Sunday, September 18, 2016

Islam 4

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                                                                So then king David of Judaism raped 9 year olds like Islams Mohammed?
                                                                Is there any record of that?
                                                                Be specific.

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                                                                    @"Famous Internet Guy"
                                                                    If you want to "spin" again and evade this:
                                                                    Chrsitian countries ceased to be Barbaric, according
                                                                    to the bloody violent "word of God", because RELIGION WAS DITCHED FROM GOVERNMENT! OK??
                                                                    And yes many Regimes in the Arab world rule WITH Religion! That's what happens! BACKWARDNESS and FANATICISM! We got rid of all that, and now you know how and when!
                                                                    DO YOU WANT TO READ THIS --AGAIN??

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                                                                        Christ was non-violent and preached non-violence.
                                                                        Mohammed was extremely violent preached extreme violence and sesnsuality.
                                                                        Thos are differences we can no longer ignore because kid-humping is wrong and does not belong in any mainstream religion.
                                                                        He was 53 years old when he was out getting the 9 year old booty for gods sakes.
                                                                        How can you defend that?

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                                                                            Again, Monamed is not a deity for Muslims. Only god. Go back to your dictionary.

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                                                                                The point remains the same, even if you are uncomfortable with the dictionary definition of "deity" into which Mohammed fits.

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                                                                                    Fits? Not for the muslims, They say they only have ONE God. And you?

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                                                                                        I'm an Abraham Lincoln Republican.
                                                                                        For the Muslims, Mohammed is "the perfect example for mankind to follow" according to their Gods word in the Koran.
                                                                                        So You're arguing against cold, hard facts.
                                                                                        The problem is, of course, that mohammed was a murderer, slave owner, promoter of slavery and rapist. Those who believe he is "the perfect example for all mankind to follow" will do likewise.
                                                                                        The biblical Christ on the other hand. He actually died for others transgressions instead of ordering them killed.
                                                                                        In example after example Mohammed is the polar-moral opposite of Jesus.

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                                                                                            The only fact here, is that you deny crimes and absurdities, much in the way muslims do.

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                                                                                                Not denying anything. They are not relevant because the behavior is not sustained in western religious doctrine.
                                                                                                Because Mohammed himself was the rapist, murderer etc etc in the actual Koran and hadiths, it is totally different.
                                                                                                That's all I'm saying.
                                                                                                You know it's true.
                                                                                                Why deny it?
                                                                                                Lookin' like a fool.

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                                                                                                    OK you ignore all the passages that were posted here bucause carnage, rape and war are not "relevant" to you only.

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                                                                                                        Because the Biblical Jesus didn't wage war or carnage or rape. There is no scriptural sustainment for such behavior for his followers.
                                                                                                        Mohammed on the other hand? He actually had sex with children, owned slaves and cut captive prisoners heads off.
                                                                                                        Just like the Taliban
                                                                                                        See the difference yet?

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                                                                                                            @"Fanatic Internet Guy" Yeah, Jesus was a nice guy.
                                                                                                            Again, you couldn't reply about the warring, rapist and sadist "word of god" in the Bible, or most of the things you criticize in others.
                                                                                                            You are as fanatic as your muslims. Again...

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                                                                                                                I replied. There is no disputing plenty of violent history in the Christian faith.
                                                                                                                However it is not sustained by the doctrine or primary deity as it is in Islam.
                                                                                                                You have not admitted this yet.

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                                                                                                                    @"Fanatic Internet Guy" I won't repeat the entire thread. We know, you're preaching (and even cheating) here. You don't want to think, you ony want to "believe"...
                                                                                                                    Another good reason why Religion must be kept oout of Government matters.

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                                                                                                                        You can ignore the facts by whatever means you choose.
                                                                                                                        The difference is that in other religions, the LEADER isn't usually the mad,killer rapist.
                                                                                                                        In islam he is.

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                                                                                                                            @"Fanartic Internet Guy" Sorry preacher. You contradict yourself too much, and willingly ignore a lot of things. Like muslims do...
                                                                                                                            Another good reason why Religion must be kept out of Government matters.
                                                                                                                            Keep praying, buddy.

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                                                                                                                                I haven't contradicted myself at all.
                                                                                                                                Islam is different because Mohammed was different than other religious leader of other religions.
                                                                                                                                That is a de-facto proven point now.
                                                                                                                                It's the only point I was trying to make.
                                                                                                                                Your "it because its still in govt" is just complete babbling nonsense.
                                                                                                                                Good for illustrative purposes of weak reasoning though!

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                                                                                                                        I didn't ignore anything.
                                                                                                                        They are not relevant to the point in the slightest.
                                                                                                                        Mohammed was a rapist and murderers who promoted slavery.
                                                                                                                        The Biblical Jesus was the opposite.
                                                                                                                        Thus they have shaped the faiths that follow them.

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                                                                                                                            They are not "relevant" because... (?)
                                                                                                                            Again, you are in the same DENIAL position as your muslims. That's exactly the reason Religion was banned from Government, and the reason why we evolved, and muslims got stagnant
                                                                                                                            Good luck with your preaching.

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                                                                                                                                What Muslim claims Jesus raped, killed or owned slaves?
                                                                                                                                Even the most ardent apologists no better than to debate this or attempt a mortal comparison here.

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                                                                                                                                    @"Fanatic Internet Guy" Jesus? No. he didn't do such things. But all the Bible propehts who preceded him did, and were pretty happy promoting the things you're so terrorized -and all that is written in that book. Are you saying the "word of god" is not sacred?
                                                                                                                                    All that was (and is) used to justify the worst things for centuries, so it' s pretty relevant.
                                                                                                                                    You couldn't reply to this, and you still can't. You're doing circles. Fun to watch.

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                                                                                                                                        Well that is my point.
                                                                                                                                        Plenty of people on both sides do bad things. People are just people. No disputing that.
                                                                                                                                        The difference with Islam is that their primary deity was extremely violent. The Taliban modeled themselves and they shoot girls in the head for going to school.
                                                                                                                                        Bottom line is this:
                                                                                                                                        No other religion on earth worships such a violent and sexually perverse person.
                                                                                                                                        "No greater retrograde force exists on earth" Winston Churchill

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                                                                                                                  What do you expect? According to this Super Chrsitian Fanatic, WE all go to Hell for not believeing in what he does. That's his "reasoning". Exactly the same nonsense the Muslims believe.
                                                                                                                  BOTH Religions are a danger in the hands of guys like this And thousands of years of war and death "in the name of god" confirm it.

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                                                                                                                  I don't know the age of the woman this horny King David raped after sending her husband to death (his loyal "friend"). Actually, nobody knows what happened to her afterwards.

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                                                                                                                      So then there is no scripture alleging David raped? Let alone raped kids?
                                                                                                                      Just "everyone does it"? so Muslims doing so in 2016 is the same as Crusades something something?
                                                                                                                      Is this your point?

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                                                                                                                          @"Fanatic Internet Guy"
                                                                                                                          Scripture? Rape? Yes it is. The woman was forced to have sex with a horny King David after he sent her loyal husband to death!
                                                                                                                          400 'virgin' girls were forced to have sex with the killers of their families --who also destroyed their property and city.
                                                                                                                          That's rape to me, among other things...
                                                                                                                          YOU ignore this tragedy commanded "by god", in the same way muslims ignore their own crimes and absurdities, like Mohamed's "marriage" with a kid.
                                                                                                                          You are as fanatic as they are.
                                                                                                                          And you confirm this all the time. Please do it again!

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                                                                                                                          @"Famous Internet Guy"
                                                                                                                          WTF? You can read, can't you? 400 GIRLS WERE FORCED by your God's "orders", THEIR CITY DESTROYED, AND ALL THEIR FAMILY WAS KILLED! . Want more? What's wrong witrh you??
                                                                                                                          Do you know how many of those "virgins" were above 9 years old in that Bible passage?? Yes or no? Is that all you could think of?? Pff...
                                                                                                                          You are doing the same as muslims do. You're equally fanatic!
                                                                                                                          Everything your'e writing here has been properly replied MANY TIMES, but we know you're just preaching here!

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                                                                                                                              I'm saying that MohAmmed is the only chilod rapist we have factually recorded doing so.
                                                                                                                              There simply is no history of the same in Judaism of chrisianity.
                                                                                                                              In fact child-sex was taboo among Arabs until the arrival of mohammed. This is the same with marrying ones childrens wives. Mohammed did that too.
                                                                                                                              Christianity or Judaism do not support or sustain such activities and did not in the past.

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                                                                                                                                  Child "marriage" will always be bad. That's what Religion does. It made you 'skip' those horrible BIBLE Passages you still can't reply to.

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                                                                                                                                      YOU neeed to understand the indisputable point I am making:
                                                                                                                                      It can not evolve in Islam because Mohammed married a 6 year old and "consummated" the marriage when she was 9. That is why the age of consent in Sharia-governed regions is as low as nine
                                                                                                                                      There just isn't any example of this in any other mainstream faiths main "leader".
                                                                                                                                      It is one of many things that sets Mohammed apart from all of the rest.
                                                                                                                                      The results today are very real as young slave girls are owned and raped all over the world in the name of Islam.
                                                                                                                                      These are crimes against humanity.

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                                                                                                                                          @"Fanatic Internet Guy"
                                                                                                                                          That's all? Is that a license to IGNORE all those savage pasaages in your Bible? Or 2000 years of savage "Chrsitian" behaviour"? And why we dumped Religion out of Governent?
                                                                                                                                          You're doing exactly the same things that muslims do.
                                                                                                                                          IGNORING all their crimes, because that was "the word of god", and your belief is "true", and condeming everybody else.
                                                                                                                                          You're a s fanatic as they are.

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                                                                                                                                        No, no. For this @"Fanatic Internet Guy", 400 abused girls and all that slaughter, mean nothing, because "god commanded" it. It's OK!
                                                                                                                                        You see? If somebody else does exactly the same thing, but has a different belief, only then it's "wrong".
                                                                                                                                        You have to pray everyday for the death of more than 1.5 billion people. He'll be happy with that answer.
                                                                                                                                        Like my grandma said, 'God, save us from Religion'

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                                                                            Dude, come on. What if people wear it as a fashion statement? Or for its function(cooling effects in dry dessert)?
                                                                            Lemme fucking wear what I want.

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