Sunday, September 18, 2016

Islam 9

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    There is a huge misconception about the burgha or the niqaab for women in Muslims countries!
    It is considered a 'Traditional' dress!
    It is not!

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      That second set of pics! Daaaaammmmnnnn girls.

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        Now thats powerful,the beautiful colours a testament to individuality.

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            One of my teachers has an... uhm... I'll call it "special" explanation for this. He's a weirdo overall, so no surprise: He thinks that muslim men made their wifes and daughters wear concealing garments because the crusaders (yes, his idea goes back that far) stole their women. They had to be concealed, so nobody could see their beauty and steal them. According to my teacher, that's also the reason for the "don't leave the house without a male relative"; the guy could protect her from being abducted.
            As these photos show, though, this has been a rather recent trend.

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                Actually is the other way around! Christian homes in Muslim countries , especially during the Ottoman Empire, had all their windows facing the back yard, never the street, because if they had a beautiful daughter, even a wife, and was seen, next thing she would be in a harem!
                Muslims speak from experience all right, their own! This is what they were doing! The Crusaders weren't exactly gentlemen, but the Muslims blame everything to them! Even their own 'traditional' practices!
                In Afghanistan the Taliban turbo scum banned women from wearing shoes with even a suspicion of heels! Totally flat! As if the damn burgha wasn't enough!
                The reason? The sound of the heels on the pavement was provocative to the men and it would certainly force them to rape them!
                Psychosis to make Sigmund Freud deliriously happy!
                There is also the bright side!
                A German woman was in Afghanistan, a journalist I think, and she noticed that the husband was always walking at a considerable distance ahead of his wives. When she asked one of the wives why the women tolerated such a demeaning treatment, she said they want it so!
                When the German woman asked why they want it. She replied,

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                  A more likely scenario is that they are a bunch of insecure, dickless fuckheads.

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                      Maybe some, maybe most, but I think if a man grows up in an environment that tells him that every man is a potential serial rapist, he will find it neccessary to protect his female relatives by hiding them from view. The heck, when he lives in an area controlled by the Taliban and they impose the rule that women are not allowed outside without full-body concealment and a male relative, even a man with a modern attitude would run to the next shop and buy Burqas for every female in his family.

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                      Haha!! I love such diversity. Great picture.

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                          This is really hurting my enjoyment of my face veil fetish

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                            Face coverings of any kind have no place in society, so burqa/niqab bans are entirely correct. No reason for hijab bans, though shit, if I had my way all religion would be banned entirely....

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                                "No reason for hijab bans"
                                That depends. One reason could be courtesy. If you meet someone, it's still considered polite in these parts to take off your hat or your gloves and shake their hand. I think it's an ancient custom from the days when there were still semi-regular meetings between tribal leaders, meant to show that you mean no harm (by appearing without a helmet and showing your bare hands without a blade).
                                Besides, many Muslim women wear the hijab precisely to offend the rest of us. They say as much: that it is a statement against our society, against our civilization, to show that they are a better class of woman, more morally pure than those European whores.

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                                    What about the birkini? How is this different from having a dip in the sea fully clthed as some ppl do on a whim? I dont understand this one. I do understand the banning of full face veils as a security threat, but how is the birkini a threat or even offensive?

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                                        As far as my city (Nice) is concerned, the burkini is a tool of propaganda, as none were seen before the 14th of July attacks. The ban might not be acceptable, but it sure as fuck sends a message to islamist extremism: Don't push it.

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                                            For one, hygiene. Many swimming pools actually ban swimming in your clothes and even make it mandatory that you shower before you get into the pool. They want to keep their pools as clean as possible, and someone in a burkini will sweat and stink, especially if it's a heated pool.

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                                                None of that applies to the sea. Which is what all the fuss is about..

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                                                    Lol that’s what chlorine is for. Besides, sweat doesn’t “stink” until it is left long enough for bacteria to form. Sweating “in the moment” doesn’t have any odor, and if you exert yourself enough during a swim, you will sweat even if just wearing typical trunks. You just don’t notice because of course it rinses right off into the water that everyone else is swimming in. While those sanitary measures you mention are certainly helpful in a practical sense beyond reducing the “ick factor” feeling among the users, of course there are the other bodily fluids in the water of a typical public pool that no one wants to think about. Showers won’t prevent that…

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                                                        Private pools are free to enforce whatever rules they like, that doesn't infringe on anybody's rights, the price they pay will be an increase or decrease in custom, their problem/benfit.
                                                        But enforcing rules in public places or country-wide is another matter entirely.

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                                                            Well, that might work in the United States - but in Europe, businesses are held to the same anti-discrimination rules as the government. If they let one person in but not another person, there has to be a very good reason for that or the basic assumption by judges will be that it was discrimination.

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